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Single Post: Homemade face mask

Homemade face mask

How to get beautiful skin within 3 minutes with lotion pack.

Lotion pack, a pack process to moisturize the face using toner (lotion) and cottons is believed to work wonders for the skin and is very popular in Japan. Does this ring a bell as to why Japanese women has beautiful skin?

This video clip guides you through the procedures to a simple lotion pack. English translation is as below:

[Step 1] — Split the cotton into 5 pieces.

  1. Wet the cotton with water.
  2. Pour appropriate amount of toner into the cotton and mix well.
  3. Firstly, split the cotton into 2 pieces.
  4. Secondly, split the cotton of above no.3 into 3 pieces (pick the thicker one).
  5. Thirdly, split the remaining piece at no.3 into 2 pieces (in total, you have 5 pieces).

[Step 2] — Pack your face with cottons

  1. 1st piece- Stretch horizontally laying across the face, from the jaw to under eyes.
    *Leave a breathing space on the nose and mouth.
  2. 2nd piece- Stretch horizontally, lay it across the eyes to forehead, leaving openings for the eyes.
  3. 3rd piece & 4th pieces- Lay vertically from the eyes, overlapping the previous laid cottons.
  4. 5th piece- Stretch the cotton from the jaw to the neck.
  5. After everything is finished, press lightly with the palm to “adhere” the cotton to the face. Leave it on for 3 minutes.

[Step 3] — Removing the cottons 3 minutes later

  1. From forehead right up to the eyes, fold the cotton and press lightly.
  2. Do the same in order of the nose, mouth, right till the jaw.
  3. Next, fold the cotton into 2 at the jaw and pad the face with the cotton to blend in the toner.
  4. Lastly, use the palm to press lightly for deep absorption.
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