My job requires me to work like mad, spending long hours in front of the computer, resulting in the high risk of overusing my hands. Recently, my fingers started feeling numb and extremely tired when I am operating the mouse. Before I spoil my hand completely, I thought I should do something to limit mouse operation as much possible. Tablet was the first thing that come to my mind hoping it could replace the mouse. And anyway, it doesn’t cost much, I could always return back to the mouse if the idea doesn’t work.
For the past 3 days, I focused on the tablet. I couldn’t be more than satisfied with the result. It took me just a mere few hours to get used to the operation. Moreover, I feel it really lightens the burden that builds up due to repeated clicking action of the mouse. It didn’t 100% solve the tiredness of the wrist, but in some way, it helps lessen that.
Investing in a tablet is worth after all in my opinion.
I really recommend the tablet for those whom like me, need to work long hours in front of the computer with lots of wrist operation. d(^o^)b
If you are interested to know, the tablet that I had bought is Wacom Bamboo Connect.
Good Luck (^_-)
