Personal shopper in Japan who supports customers to shop, buy, ship Japan products internationally

Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tempory Blog Closure

Our apologies that due to hectic work commitments, this blog will cease to function for the whole of next month, June.

We might decide to open anytime before the planned schedule should time permits us to write again.

m(_ _)m

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Japanese new character (Sushi & Neko)

Japanese has a newfound sushi.
The new ingredient sitting on top of the vinegar rice are CatS!! o(*’o'*)o
Of course, these sushi are… INEDIBLE (*^^*)

The newly created product by Japan is known as “Nekozushi” simply, means “Cat sushi”. Keep a look out as “Nekozushi” sets to become the next rising star.

In reality, we are not going to see “kawaii” cats sitting so still and comfortably on a vinegar rice (shari). The idea is hilarious.
And I am sure Sushi & Cat lovers are not going to get enough of this “delicacy”.

“Nekozushi” has become popular free iphone/Android download applications.
Another reason why you should own a iphone or Android phone, if you haven’t got one?

This is not the end you are seeing “Nekozushi”.
We are sure more goods are coming up.

Do remember the name “Nekozushi” (*^-^)

Japan's new character/ nekozushi nya-ta

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Japanese fashion magazines (May/Jun)

Magazine freebies for May & June issues. Some magazines had made their release two weeks ago, but are still included for reference.

There are a lot more fashion magazines in Japan.
Please feel free to ask any even if they are not listed here.

For more details, please inquire through the blue button at the bottom.

Earth Music & Ecology / Denim long wallet (Size: W210 X H110 X D20cm)

Japanese fashion magazine non-no (Jun)

non-no - Jun Issue

SAZABY / Classic prints multi purpose pouch (Size: W22 X H16 X D6cm)

Japanese fashion magazine liniere (Jun)

liniere - Jun Issue

B:MING LIFE STORE by BEAMS / Special edition of kumamon blue stripes dual usage cooler thermal bag
(Size: Bottom W20 X H21 X D12cm)

Japanese fashion magazine SPRiNG (Jun)

SPRiNG - Jun Issue

MILK X Zipper / Alice in Wonderland 2WAY tote bag
(Size: W37 X H23 X D13cm)

Japanese fashion magazine Zipper (Jun)

Zipper - Jun Issue

Paul & Joe / Tropical flower prints (margaret) bag (with fastener & 5 pockets)
(Size: Bottom W25 X H20 X D10.5cm)

Japanese fashion magazine InRed (May)

InRed - May Issue

Coach / 3 item sets (Toothbrush & cup set, Mirror and string pouch)
(Size: [String pouch] – W18 X H22cm /
[Mirror] – W9.2 X H10cm)

Japanese fashion magazine MORE (May)

MORE - May Issue

Lily Brown / Large florals quilted tote bag in pink (Size: W30 X H20 X D10cm)

Japanese fashion magazine sweet (May)

sweet - May Issue

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Japan’s Aokigahara Jukai

A quiet, mystical place it is, Japan’s Aokigahara Jukai.

Located in Yamanashi-ken Fujikawaguchiko, it is infamous as a suicidal spot in Japan.
A vast dense forest heavily sheltered by shrubs and trees, daylight hardly penetrates the making the whole place dark even at noon.

It isn’t a mere co-incident that Aokigahara also known as the “Sea Of Trees” is a place of doom. A place where you are bound to lost sense of directional because every path looks the same. Here is a dead zone for cell phones and compasses won’t be working due to the rich deposits of magnetic iron in the area’s volcanic soil.
It is extremely sad to know that the “Sea Of Trees” is said to be “a perfect place to die” for determined suicidals. Because they understand they will never ever walk out of the forest alive again.

Actually, Aokigahara Jukai is not quite the spooky and creepy image everyone have. There are in fact a few hiking trails for adventurous nature lovers to enjoy. Conducted tours are available too. But of course, venturing out of these trails are strictly forbidden and taken at your own risk.

From the amount of suicides, Aokigahara Jukai is undoubtedly nothing but an eerie haunted place to many. But in the eyes of mother nature, this is just a forest, beautiful, magical and full of life…

It is a place which I would want to visit someday. But NOT ALONE for sure!

JAPAN - Aokigahara, the forest of suicides

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Tokyo’s sakura

The streets of Tokyo is covered in shades of soft pink now as Cherry blossom fully bloomed. They are going to stay for a week after full blossom before the petals started dropping off. Beauty is short-lived… How true …

Consider yourself really lucky if you happen to be in town now without the faintest idea to see Sakura. This year, Sakura started blooming about 10 days earlier because of the warmer weather as compared to annual years.

Before Sakura,,, there is the Cedar Pollen allergy!
They finally caught me this year (v__v`)…
Walking down the streets without wearing a mask?
The mere thoughts of it makes me sneeze (>o<)=3
The sad thing is, I would have to battle with pollen allergy for every spring (T-T)
Cherry blossom wouldn’t be something to be looking forward to anymore, perhaps…

But seeing people wearing masks while enjoying cherry blossom viewing sort of bought a sense of relief. At least I am not alone struggling with pollen allergy (@`v`@)

Streets lined with sakura

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Japanese fashion magazines (Apr/May)

Magazine freebies for Feb & Mar issues. Some magazines had made their release two weeks ago, but are still included for reference.

There are a lot more fashion magazines in Japan.
Please feel free to ask any even if they are not listed here.

For more details, please inquire through the blue button at the bottom.

HONEY MI HONEY & ViVi / Vertical stripes large tote bag (Size: W42 X H42cm)

Japanese fashion magazine ViVi (May)

ViVi - May Issue

COACH / Hang tags design magnets (5 pieces set)

Japanese fashion magazine Ray (May)

Ray - May Issue

Traditional Weatherwear / Marine stripe large tote bag
(Size: W37 X H21.5 X D17.5cm)

Japanese fashion magazine liniere (May)

liniere - May Issue

Lowrys farm / Bi-color tote bag (Size: W43.5 X H28 X D11.5cm)

Japanese fashion magazine non-no (May)

non-no - May Issue

TSUMORI CHISATO / Pink polka dots large tote bag
(Size: Bottom Width: 26 X H26 X D11cm)

Japanese fashion magazine SPRiNG (May)

SPRiNG - May Issue

L’EST ROSE / Sweet floral prints mega tote bag (side expandable)
(Size: W33 X H39cm) / Maximum expandable size: 58cm

Japanese fashion magazine steady (April)

steady - April Issue

Les Olivades / BONIS bag
(Size: W25 {max: 29.5} X H25.5 X D12cm)

Japanese fashion magazine InRed (April)

InRed - April Issue

MERCURYDUO / Tote bag with bow charm
(Size: W34 X H29 X D14cm)

Japanese fashion magazine sweet (April)

sweet - April Issue

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Pompom purin stuffed toy

“Sumo size” pompom purin is ready for pre-orders according to sanrio site. Fans of pompom purin can CUDDLE all they want now d(^V<)

This giant size purin stands at a height of 110cm. Having a thick waistline is going to be a big selling point! Just imagine that you can’t reach the entire waist by even throwing both arms around it (*o*)!!

Probably giant size is a huge success because for the first time, purin somehow felt like part of a family. Its like a security assurance that you are not alone and there is a partner to lend a listening ear to your problems (LOL) —My fantasy—

At a price of 26,250yen each, pre-orders are opened until 3rd-Mar.
Check it out on sanrio’s site if you are interested.

sanrio / Japanese character goods

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Special Edition Sweets For Valentine’s Day

It is “love in first sight” with these limited edition Japanese sweets (wagashi).
Could you tell that they were sea breams (Tai) ?

I thought that they look ugly. But again that was precisely what caught my heart!
And looking so real and big are those eyes that were not missed. Contrary to the eyes, there was a tinge of melancholy & loneliness, on the way that the mouth was created. Simply love the delicate scales and fins details that were crafted all over their round body.
How? Aren’t you in love with these Japanese Tai sweets?

Two varieties, chocolat and sakura are available (from OCS store)

Valentine days limited edition / Japanese fresh chocolates

It couldn’t be wrong to opt for Hello Kitty cheesecake if you wanted something that is “straightforwardly” cute.
Cheesecake is a “NO” because you are on diet?
No problem! Hey, Kitty cheesecake is about the size of the palm only.

Ermm…The size is not going to be enough for me though …(*^-`)v

Valentine days limited edition / Hello kitty cheesecake

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Wonder festival event in Tokyo

Wonder festival event guide book cum admission ticket, requested by a customer sometime ago. Cool! We didn’t even know such event existed. Call us a frog in a well or whatever (._.)

Its not unusual that we got inquires from customers about some Japanese products or sites that we have no idea at all. Many time its like “Wow! How on earth did customers know such sites??”

About Wonder festival, according to source, it is a big bi-annual event in Tokyo, where garage kits in molded objects like anime, game characters, creature, mecha, etc will be displayed. The highlight is that you can purchase rare interesting masterpieces created by amateurs or professionals.
And… And… And… not to forget the one very big attraction for some people.
Lots of females sculptures in exposing and erotic positions for you to take a pick!
Chance to pack your fantasy back home (^_-)

Its so amazing that Japanese cultures and high quality products aren’t posing any language barrier for foreigners, like Japanese language do.

Wonder festival's guide book & admission tickets, figurine exhibition

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Japanese sweets, crackers for gifts

Oops…before I even knew it, I have been absent from blog for quite a while m(_ _)m

Today’s theme… Buttons, roses and leafs that won’t cause any heath problem when eaten! Sounds too good to be true that Japanese technology had came this far (*o*)!!

Caught you right there, didn’t I ?
The truth is … These are chocolates! (^-^)v
How!? How!? How!?
Doesn’t it amaze you that chocolates can look so real,,, so exquisite?

Given a chance, I would love to have a bite on cat’s paw sweets (pic on right bottom) which according to Ray is squishy and soft in texture.
There is still the choice of crispy, Japanese rice cakes (Senbei), if you happened to be one of those that doesn’t get turned on by the word “chocolates”.

Do these give you some ideas on what to get for gifts on your next visit to Japan or maybe the upcoming Valentine’s Day?

Japan gift ideas (sweets)

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Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.