Personal shopper in Japan who supports customers to shop, buy, ship Japan products internationally

Tag Archives: lifestyle

Japanese fashion magazines (Apr/May)

Magazine freebies for Feb & Mar issues. Some magazines had made their release two weeks ago, but are still included for reference.

There are a lot more fashion magazines in Japan.
Please feel free to ask any even if they are not listed here.

For more details, please inquire through the blue button at the bottom.

HONEY MI HONEY & ViVi / Vertical stripes large tote bag (Size: W42 X H42cm)

Japanese fashion magazine ViVi (May)

ViVi - May Issue

COACH / Hang tags design magnets (5 pieces set)

Japanese fashion magazine Ray (May)

Ray - May Issue

Traditional Weatherwear / Marine stripe large tote bag
(Size: W37 X H21.5 X D17.5cm)

Japanese fashion magazine liniere (May)

liniere - May Issue

Lowrys farm / Bi-color tote bag (Size: W43.5 X H28 X D11.5cm)

Japanese fashion magazine non-no (May)

non-no - May Issue

TSUMORI CHISATO / Pink polka dots large tote bag
(Size: Bottom Width: 26 X H26 X D11cm)

Japanese fashion magazine SPRiNG (May)

SPRiNG - May Issue

L’EST ROSE / Sweet floral prints mega tote bag (side expandable)
(Size: W33 X H39cm) / Maximum expandable size: 58cm

Japanese fashion magazine steady (April)

steady - April Issue

Les Olivades / BONIS bag
(Size: W25 {max: 29.5} X H25.5 X D12cm)

Japanese fashion magazine InRed (April)

InRed - April Issue

MERCURYDUO / Tote bag with bow charm
(Size: W34 X H29 X D14cm)

Japanese fashion magazine sweet (April)

sweet - April Issue

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Quiz time

How about trying the below quiz?
There are people who took whole day but can’t solve it and
some took just few minutes to crack it.

Hint: Pre-school children can solve this so skip thinking complicated.

Mind complexity test

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The meticulous Japanese

Road constructions are forever ongoing somewhere in the city of Tokyo.
Usually, a signboard, warning passer-by about the construction work at 100m ahead will be placed from 100m away. (Somehow, the everything systematic Japanese had me wondering if they did measure the distance just to ensure it is precisely 100m).

After walking for another 50m, another signboard pops up again, this time warning about the 50m ahead work. (Wow, the signboards have different distance indications! So how many signboards must be made to support various distance indications?)

And this is not the end. Just when you get near enough to the site, two signboards this time in bright orange pops up again. One warns you of the work ahead and the other cautions you about the narrow road width due to the road construction.

That’s really very kind and methodical though…

100m away from the site
wip signboard

50m away from the site
wip signboard

Just before the site
wip signboard

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March 2025
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Bridge.jpn is a shopping agent in Japan. We offer Japan shopping services both online and in-store purchases for people residing overseas looking to buy Japanese products.
We also provide services to buy Ghibli museum tickets & fujiko f fujio museum tickets.

For detail about our services.