This new generation intelligent beverage vending machine has been the talk of the town since its release last year end.
I had my first encounter with it within the train station itself. To my amazement, the machine’s size is big! Not only is the display liquid crystal of supreme high quality, its touch screen operation and also equipped with innovative functions. In short, high-tech and images are crystal clear.
Firstly, I did a little observing on the machine from some distance away. When nobody was around, the machine will auto display beverages which it “analysed” best suits the temperature and time.

Vending machine image
Next, I went a bit closer to the machine (within sensor boundary). The screen automatically switched to show the list of available beverages. Is it my imagination that all beverages look delicious?

Beverage list
Then I proceeded to position myself right in front of the machine. And know what? The machine tried to recommend drinks that it thought best suited me, by displaying “For you” indications besides some of the beverages.
According to information by maker, this machine actually made recommendations after analyzing customer’s age, gender, time and temperature during purchase. Wow, cool! Doesn’t it sound superb to have a machine estimating your age? They probably count wrinkles, blemishes…

Beverage auto selection
And what you had chosen will be shown large on the screen. After confirming the price and item, pay and that’s it. You still have the option to cancel this transaction! Isn’t it convenient?

Chosen beverage