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Single Post: otooya lunch

otooya lunch

I took lunch at one of my favourite japanese restaurant called ootoya.

Besides chinese food, Japanese food tops my list of favourite foods. Not that I had experience with so many different types of cuisines around the world, but my preference for food are those which are “light”. When I mean “light”, vegetables are a MUST, oily foods are out, all meat only dishes are out, serving must not be too big (I must admit that I am not a big-eater) and foods that are saltish is a No No.

In general, the food balance for Japanese set lunch or dinner (known as teisyoku) are very well considered. Few types of vegetables usually accompany the set with miso soup. Its important for people like me who don’t do much cooking to include a bit of intake of every kind and they make me feel healthy.

Today’s lunch set is claypot stew chicken cutlet. I must admit I am 100% satisfied. (*^o^*)/

lunch set

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