Face up powder produced by kanebo had enjoyed fame as one of the best cosmetics in year 2010 award by @cosme (data gathered from user’s feedback). The ratings to date is a 5.4 out of 7 (from total of 1127 reviews). It continues to show popularity through this year with high reviews from users who are using this product and it seems prior reservation must be made to obtain it (reservation period opened from June ~ Sep), but still, it will be opened up for purchases (limited) from mid dec.
Some of the positive comments were:
- It gives the skin a sense of transparency (glowing, radiant).
- It looks so natural after application.
- Makeup stays fresh throughout the day
- The fine-textured power helps in covering up the pores giving the skin a healthy look.
Every cosmetic no matter how good the quality is, depending on a person’s skin condition, it might not be suitable for every one. So there are bound to be negative comments. Here it goes:
- Taking into consideration of its price (expensive), I don’t see how it does wonder to my face.
- I disagreed on the part where it stay fresh throughout the day.
- It seems too dry for the skin.
By the way, I certainly like the exquisite case design and the picture of an engraved angel on the powder. Actually, the design and color of the case changes (pink for Year 2011) every year and would you believe it(?), some people buy it for the sake of the CASE!!
But actually on top of the case, it seems there are some enhancement made to the powder. I will touch a bit on the characteristics (enhancement point) of faceup power for Year 2012 and points on how to obtain the radiant look on Part (II) . So do stay tune in.