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Category Archives: idea products

Hot sticky summer days — Stay fresh with Biore

Summer in Japan spells, soaring temperatures, high humidity, heat island, that I have little tolerance for. I do appreciate the sun very much, but I can’t say the same for summer seasons.

You know how it feels when you wake up every morning, sticky and soak in sweat?
Each summer, I swear by Biore’s “sara sara powder sheet” ever since I started using it 3 years ago. It became a routine to just take one out from the pack, to wipe my body every morning. Body odor (bet that’s what most of you are conscious of) and stickiness, all gone within a wipe. Save me the shower, save water, save $$$. I feel so refresh and dry after that, as if I had a shower.
Nobody knows that I don’t shower in the morning b(^_-)b

I won’t know what’s the secret behind each sheet, but definitely “sara sara powder sheet” is another great product that I would strongly recommend.

And, wow! I didn’t realize there are as many as seven types available (@o@)!!
Those containing mild, pleasant scent are the only ones that I had tried before.
More types might show up again, next year, perhaps.

Please inquire through the blue button below for more details on this product.

sara sara powder sheet (Biore)

Stay fresh Powder sheet (Biore)

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Stop that leering – Cleavage cover

This product has nothing to do with panty, in case you are wondering why on earth am I posting a thong panty on the blog.

Its another innovative product designed and created with women in mind. It became a big seller in Japan now for “womanly reason”.

Japan innovative products

Now you got the picture?
It is a cleavage cover meant to prevent “unwanted leerings”.
Some women highlighted their concerns over the accidental exposure of their cleavage due to certain movements or attires. And that’s it! Cleavage cover was born, by the words of the mouth.

And the funny thing is, nobody will ever guess that you are wearing a cover, shaped like a panty, because they look like stylish camisoles.

Sweet camisole like cleavage cover

Cleavage Cover

And what’s more, they are easy to put on too. Just get them hook onto the bra. And its going to be effective to get rid of the so called “accidental glimpse of cleavage” \(*^▽^*)/
Oh… unless… you are the type who swears by braless …

Sweet, cool design camisole ideas

Cool summer cleavage cover

So what is men’s reaction towards cleavage cover?
Majority of the net users were displeased. “Mind you! We can’t see cleavages any more!”

Looks like we can’t satisfy both parties. Your thoughts?

Please inquire through the blue button below for more details.

6 colors

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Unique Umbrella – Vegetabrella

“It is raining outside. Get your lettuce ready!”
So bet you thought the person who said so is nuts?

lettuce group

“Vegetabrella” is the most talked about umbrella in Japan. An umbrella that looks exactly like a lettuce when its folded. “Tokyo Noble” who designed and produced “vegetabrella”, has been trying to keep up with their production, after orders came pouring in.

How they made efforts to study the lettuce real closely is obvious. The coloring, wrinkled texturing came close to that of real lettuce. Even the fastener strap looks like that used in the supermarket to hold the lettuce together!

“Ermm… Why are you walking around with a lettuce?” Be prepared to be asked (o^-^o)  

And the good news. The surface is processed to cut out UV. So apart from rainy days, it is handy during summer days too. Lettuce umbrella is probably a good idea, if you are looking for something unique and creative for a present.

Pray hard they will come up with other veggies versions like pumpkins, eggplant, radish, etc. I would definitely love to see the streets flooded with vegetable umbrellas of all sorts and colors. Meanwhile, we will have to stick to lettuce umbrella for now.

So don’t get it mixed up with the real lettuces bought from supermarket. (^_-*)

Please inquire through the blue button below for more details.


Umbrella that looks like lettuce


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Interesting iphone 4/4s cases

The famous delicious Japanese gourmets — (chirashizushi, dango, unagi, nikujyaga, taraba gani, oden, etc).

Could you actually tell that these are iphone cases? Look real don’t they? They are made by food samples craftsman (same as those food samples that you normally see at Japanese restaurants).

Maybe these do help in reducing the crave for hometown food, for Japanese who are currently residing in foreign countries ( v^_-)

Strapya iphone4 cases (Japanese food)

Japanese gourmet iphone4/4s cases

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Hair extension wigs

If you are thinking of ways to have a different hairstyle everyday, without visiting the hairstylist, a good buy would be the DIY hair extension or wigs set that come with 10 items, allowing creation of different hairstyles. They save you bucks from visiting the hairstylist, yet let you look like a professional (^_-)

You are free to arrange into whatever styles that you like or even by combining a few wigs together to create a new look. Consider them for parties or events if you think they are too exaggerating for daily use.

Hair extension set

Hair extensions, wigs (10 sets items)

Set content:

1: Magic pony tail (loose wave)
2: Rope Wig (volume curl)
3: Nape hairline extension (wave)
4: Forelock wig (comes with side)
5: Braid extension
6: Band pony
7: Bunch donut
8: Essence for wigs and extension
9: Pins
10: Case

5,990yen (USD ~78.20)
Honey brown, mix orange, shiny chestnut, caramel honey

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Boots Fur

If you are sick with your shabby, plain or even old fashion boots of donkey years, you could consider furs add-ons for a change. The “Boots fur” is an attachable fur that turns your boots into a fashionable trendy fur boot, without costing a bomb. Isn’t it a fantastic idea?


boots fur

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Mask Pack

kobayashi hot-charge mask

Mask Pack

525yen (3 sheets)

Why not pack while indulging in the comfort of soaking in your bathtub? This is a new concept type of mask. As the pores opens up during soaking, this mask containing thick serum components which penetrates and moisturize the skin in a mere 5 minutes. A smooth and freshening skin is the result.

Three types of packs namely, hot-charge skin massage sheet, hot-charge relax aroma, hot-charge (each comes with 3 sheets) are available.

  • Hot-charge skin massage sheet
    - Latest product
    - Includes massage capability for those looking to get rid of dullness of the face.
  • Hot-charge skin relax aroma – Aroma for relaxation
  • Hot-charge – First Generation of hot-charge

Feel free to inquire with us on the usage.

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Single Sheet Cutter

Introducing the Single Sheet Cutter, an interesting tool invention. This tool only cuts the top sheet when its run over a stack of papers. Other than the top sheet, underlying papers remain intact. The opposite theory of what a traditional cutter (the cutting as much as possible) should be. Isn’t that fantastic?

This one cutter alone can support the cutting of paper materials of different sizes from thin to thick like newspapers or magazines, etc.

Impressive technology!!
I will get myself one to show my support for it. p(^_^)q


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kawaii souvenirs

Ok, for those who are looking for souvenirs or interesting items designed and made in Japan,be it pampering yourself or as gifts,the instant noodle stopper will be a nice one in my opinion.

Not only does it look cute, the part that comes into contact with heat changes color and this is what makes it so popular.

Currently,there is a total of four types of design (see below) and different colors to choose from.

P.S: Please take care not to eat so much instant noodle just because they look so cute.

840yen (~USD11),(inclusive of tax, exclusive of domestic transportation)

lid stoppers 1

lid stoppers 1

Type 1 - Man (Hold on)

lid stoppers 2

Type 2 - Man (relax)

lid stoppers 3

Type 3 - Woman

lid stoppers 4

Type 4 - Twins

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Rice stopper clip

Just as I always wonder if there is any method to make the task of washing rice easier. Problem is that the rice keeps dropping out while I am trying to dispose off the water. I tumbled upon this rice stopper in a supermarket. It certainly does solve the problem.

Hopefully the rice cooker maker won’t keep changing the shape and size of the pot. This cost 250yen (Ref: USD~3.25).

Rice stopper clip

Available colors

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