It has been a while since I last visited the restaurant Pietro for lunch and I was craving for spaghetti. So today, I turned up at the restaurant for lunch. Pietro is a Japanese style Italian chain restaurant. Not only are their pasta delicious, their dressings are famous too.
Four fantastic reasons why I think restaurant Pietro is worth a visit.
1. The popular lunch menu where you can pick two out of the five choices for main course. — The “Wow” is that you get to taste two dishes at the same time.
2. Their lunch extends until 5pm. And from opening time (10am for this shop) right up to 5pm, you get the green light to “EAT ALL YOU CAN” for the salads and breads for as much as you want! — Sounds too good to be true? Its true! It is written in their website. Make sure that you go with an empty stomach (*^-^*)
3. Lunch cost only 1,100yen. — Simply unbelievable right?? (@о@) Any reason not to visit?
4. NO “CORNER-CUTTINGS” even if the lunch is cheap. — Seriously, are they making money??
And thumbs up for Pietro for being a paradise for people who enjoy buffets. Its a nice place to spend a lazy afternoon with friends.
Note: I don’t get any advertisement fees from the restaurant (( (- -*)(*- -) ))
The restaurant with the relax ambience and is especially popular among housewives. Females made up 90% of the customers.

Atmosphere of Pietro
Helped myself to salads and breads while waiting for my main course. The photos probably won’t tell, but there are quite a variety of breads and salads.

Buffet - Breads, salads and drinks
My choices of main course, spaghetti and pizza. They changed their menu monthly.

Main course of 2 choices