Magazine freebies for August & September issues. Some magazines had made their release two weeks ago, but I still pick them up for those wanting a reference.
Actually there are a lot more fashion magazines in Japan. Please feel free to ask any even if they are not listed here.
For more details, please inquire through the blue button at the bottom.
OLIVE des OLIVE / Summer tote bag
(Size:L37 X H22.5 X W10.5cm)

non-no - September issue
Flower & the bear’s school (famous illustration book from Japan about the life of 12 bears) /
Lovely snap-pouch in natural fabric & sweet polka dots
(Size: from top L15 (bottom L19) X H12 X W3.5cm)

Spring - September issue
CLATHAS / lady-like camellia design tri fold wallet
(Size when folded: L11.5 X H8.5cm)
(Full Size: L23.5 X H8.5cm)

Steady - August issue
LESPORTSAC / Multicase with fringe chain
(Size: L21.5 X H10.5 X W5cm)

Sweet - August issue
HELLO KITTY / Union jack prints BIG tote bag
(Size: L28 X H38cm)

Seventeen - August issue
Ray BEAMS SNOOPY / mini tote bag
(Size: L26 X H16 X W10cm)

More - August issue
IENA / Elegant satin pouch with pearl strap
(Size: Bottom L16 X H10 X W4cm)

InRed - August issue